... because I'm feelin' lazy today. Try and think of something that rhymes with cog. Shouldn't be too hard, unless you have a thick head bone
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Think up your own caption...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Belongs to Jose, of inside sales (maybe you've exchanged chili recipes with him on the phone while ordering a bottle of Cytomax or a few dozen SRAM red groups. If you need a good chili recipe, don't use this one). Jose rides a Gary Fisher "Ferrous". From what my brain tells me, ferrous means "having something to do with iron". So it can be logically deduced that Jose's bike is made of iron (the frame weighs 47 pounds). Oh the irony! Wasn't that funny? No? Well, let it also be known that Iron's atomic number is 26, which is the inverse of Jose's age. But let it also be known that not only is Iron's atomic number 26, but there are 26 bones in an adult, human body. They are, in order of importance and scientific veracity:
Head Bone (non-medical types call this the skull)
Heart Bone
Butt Bone
Funny Bone
Lip Bone (your smacker, one of a pair)
Neck Bone (sometimes longer in giraffes)
Head Bone Jr.
Shoulder Bone
Arm Bone
Hand Bone (known as the hand, or pick-upper-thing)
Finger Bone(s)
Heart Attack Bone (where heart attacks come from)
Ham Bone (what we play during the summer when we're feeling blue)
And 13 other bones that are very important but shan't be discussed at this time. In conclusion, Jose is 62, has 26 bones and has had romantic congress with a unicorn. It's science people, look it up!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Supa-Flash Stealth
What do you get when you take a Planet Bike Superflash and cross it with a little stealth bomber technology. Ooo, Ooo, I know, a black back plate and clear lens! No grasshopper, not only do you get a black back plate and clear lens, but you get the new title of Superflash Stealth. If that doesn't make you faster, then I sugggest you strap a Maglight to your handlebars, a John Deere liscense plate under your saddle, and get you one of those nice fluffy furry seat covers, I hear they're real nice.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Statistics Show Teenage Delinquency is on the Rise...
So, we're all standing around chatting with Pete and Eric from Cane Creek about creeks, various types of canes and the inevitable combining of the two throughout history when suddenly, without warning, Kyle runs in wearing a ski mask, gorilla suit, Stryper concert shirt and latex gloves, wildly swinging his arms and uttering strange mono-syllabic noises. "What the dickens! Why I never!" exclaims a distraught Joshie as Kyle leaps astride Pete's bicycle and pedals his way through the office, down the hall and out to freedom, sweet horrible freedom! Shedding his outrageous disguise, the young ne'er-do-well joyrides in the parking lot for hours, shouting things like "Sic Semper Tyrannus!" and "Boba Fett for prez ya'll!!!" until animal control subdues him with a tranquilizer dart to the throat.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dura-Ace Car-bone
"I have your crank set in my locker. You should probably come and get it. I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore."
Nah, for real though, this little non-available beauty showed up to our office today. At a scandalous 628g minus the bb, we can say that she's pretty good looking. This ain't your run-of-the-mill crapper ware boys, this is ain't even space age nylon polymer, this is 100% raw car-bone! Sucks that Napoleon can get his arms around one and you can't huh?
Belongs to Pete of Cane Creek (surely you remember the Pine Cone People's encounter with the Solos headset!). Not sure if he uses this for commuting or general cycling domination, but according to Pete, it was built as a "show bike" and "traveling" bike (hence the couplers) by Pacenti of Chattanooga. It has a fixed cog on one side and a White Brothers freewheel on the other. Now thats Italian! Meatball! "8 1/2"! And other Italian terms...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Kinda like Playstation 3 versus Pick Up Sticks (or Kickball). Pretty sure (100%) Zipp ripped off Tektro's design. I mean, come on! It's obvious. Both brake lever sets retail for $10,000.00.... But you can have them... for a hug :) Love, Kyle (Graphics Department)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Cane Creek Solos and the Seemingly Good-Natured Pine Folk of Pelion
The Hawley Company loves Cane Creek and so do Pine Cone Folk. Pictured from left to right:
Ole Piney, Treebark McPine-Pine, Cane Creek Solos Threadless Headset and Leonard Jenkins.