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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Belongs to Jose, of inside sales (maybe you've exchanged chili recipes with him on the phone while ordering a bottle of Cytomax or a few dozen SRAM red groups. If you need a good chili recipe, don't use this one). Jose rides a Gary Fisher "Ferrous". From what my brain tells me, ferrous means "having something to do with iron". So it can be logically deduced that Jose's bike is made of iron (the frame weighs 47 pounds). Oh the irony! Wasn't that funny? No? Well, let it also be known that Iron's atomic number is 26, which is the inverse of Jose's age. But let it also be known that not only is Iron's atomic number 26, but there are 26 bones in an adult, human body. They are, in order of importance and scientific veracity:
Head Bone (non-medical types call this the skull)
Heart Bone
Butt Bone
Funny Bone
Lip Bone (your smacker, one of a pair)
Neck Bone (sometimes longer in giraffes)
Head Bone Jr.
Shoulder Bone
Arm Bone
Hand Bone (known as the hand, or pick-upper-thing)
Finger Bone(s)
Heart Attack Bone (where heart attacks come from)
Ham Bone (what we play during the summer when we're feeling blue)
And 13 other bones that are very important but shan't be discussed at this time. In conclusion, Jose is 62, has 26 bones and has had romantic congress with a unicorn. It's science people, look it up!

1 comment:

Jose said...

José is getting a new commuter. His Ferrous29er is now on Baker's Dozen SS Mode.
