Anybody remember this guy? Good ole Timmer! Just when you think he's moved on and strayed from his old lifestyle of cycling socks and sandals, you would be wrong. Tim's still in it to win it. He and his wife Mary just made the front page of the Sun News. Check it out...
Friday, February 29, 2008
What happened to Tim?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Not even freakin' close to being a COMMUTER BIKE OF THE WEEK
Jim rode into work a few times on his Voodoo but never made it to the coveted "Commuter Bike of the Week" section. So to appease Jim and not feel the full brunt of his violent, alcohol-fueled, rage-soaked, office furniture destroying temper-tantrum, I told Jim I would post it under the moniker of "All Hail Jim! All Hail Jim!". Seriously, the guy is like Lou Pinella when he starts arguing with the umpires, kickin' his hat around the bases and menacingly thrusting his beer belly in the direction of any would-be authority figure. Lay off the rage-ahol Jim. Oh @#$&, he's coming at me with a 2X4!!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Yes, they are indeed, a...
On the bicycle row, recently spotted, we have a Swobo fixie, Supercross 24 inch cruiser, 2001 BH Oquina, Bianchi cyclcross bike (a Veloce?), and a 14 pound Storck lurking around. Diversity, thy name is Hawley...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Product Placement
In the bike industry, it is a common occurence to see a cheaply produced bicycle component or frame purchased by a company, then "re-branded"or "re-decaled" to enhance desirability. For example, this tub of rancid shortening (made from "meat fats") discovered within the bowels of the break room cupboard is worth -$12.36. However, with some creative marketing techniques, this remnant of Cold War-era cooking can be made into a "must have for 2008" (to borrow liberally from "Bicycling" Magazine's hackneyed lexicon)...Now we have a desirable product that will inspire name-brand confidence!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Wheels when it's green, Boards when it's white!
"If it bleeds, we can kill it!"
"I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane"
-Waylon Jennings
Nearing completion of the 2008 catalog, Dave decides it's time to suit up and return to the mothership, where he'll be safe and warm.....
Friday, February 15, 2008
Andy VS. Unnecessary Bike Weight
After many trips to the scale, Andy finally got his Storck built on Valentine's Day. His girlfriend could not be reached for comment. Andy insisted I mention that the saddle is handmade, the seat post is out of production and the Syntace stem isn't available to the common rabble. Dig those wacky ZIPP wheels. After switching them in for the Mavics, the bike dropped under 14 pounds. Much rejoicing was heard from the Smokey Mountain Miscreant.... CONNIE COTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valen-pines Day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Kyle, a master of organic skidmarks, practices making industrial-strength skidmarks on his new Swobo. The peasants rejoice, the landed gentry react with horror and muffled displeasure...
More Pisgah Shots...
The Perfect WheelieAmazing Larry Dominates the Climb, Josh Vomits in His Hand, Eric Walks in a Girlish Manner
Jim Waits on the Stragglers
Heart Attack
Everybodys a winner!
Monday, February 11, 2008
After a somewhat failed attempt (not failed, but not fully realized) at customizing a Fetish fixie, Kyle played it conservative this time and decided to buy a pre-painted Swobo frame. Anticipation was high as we looked forward to talking Kyle into doing something or purchasing something unnecessary for his new bike. Luckily, the young lad has learned his lesson and built his bike with "stock" parts. Dig that box the frame was shipped in! Now thats custom! By the way, when are they going to send me some freaking schwag for all this free advertising? Do you have any idea how many minutes it takes to write something like this??? Pics of the build to follow...
Everybody, this is SRAM's new portable rear derailleur. It's based on those couplings you see on snazzy road and mountain bike frames. Josh also started using a bent hanger because thats how it's always been, since the dinosaurs and Biblical characters played volleyball together in the Garden of Eden's sand court. By the way, WE WON! (15-11)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Pre-Pisgah Prep
Similar to that hapless, rag-tag bunch of Rebel half-wits who decide to attack a space fortress the size of a planet with the equivalent of bazooka-mounted crop dusters, so our hapless, rag-tag bunch of Hawley half-wits decide to "attack" the gnarled, rooted, Tolkien-esque trails of Pisgah. Let's hope the carnage is plentiful and in full color!!!