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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valen-pines Day!

On this, the international day of love, we happen to stumble across good ole Treebark McPine-Pine sniffin' his way around the Enchanted Rose Forest. We can't decide if the sad face is because they are Carmen's Roses and not his, or if it is because of the pitchfork shaped object sticking in his piney bottom. Pine Cone Folk need lovin too.


The Ghost of Jerry Reed said...

Treebark: Will you marry me?
Carmen: Yes!
Treebark: You've made me the happiest pine cone around!
Carmen: I want an annulment!
Treebark: My head is spinnin'!

joshie said...

I think he's unhappy because he only has one eye. except he's really not unhappy about that, he's unhappy that he dropped his monocle and to hike out of the rose forest would take days... weeks even. What am I even talking about? I'm an idiot. oohhhh-nooo.

Anonymous said...

I only said yes because I misunderstood the question.

I thought he said: "Do you want me to enter bullet points for all of your new product and update your pricing?"

Seriously guys, they sound exactly alike, anyone could have made the same mistake...