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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Team Hawley Baker's Dozen 2008 Re-Cap

As told by somebody who wasn't there:
Kenny: Hey Jess, this is Kenny. Calling you from the beach to ask how the race is going...uh, gimme a call back when you get this.
(later that day)
Kenny: Hey Jess, Kenny once again. It's really sunny out here, the beach is wonderful. How's the race going? Are you there? Does anybody answer their F*&$# phone anymore? Ciao!
(later that evening)
[you have ONE new message]
Jessica: Hi Kenny. Wellll, it rained the entire time. They rain delayed the start, then by noon, they had another rain delay. The race was called after 3 hours. To top it off, as we were packing up, the sun came out and the rain clouds left. Kyle wrecked. Tony wrecked before the race when he hit a cone in the road. Josh didn't blow up. Super-boring. Have a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man that last guy has some huge nipples!!!