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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ian's Wild Ride

As of Wednesday morning, Ian (overlord and supreme chancellor of the Hawley Service Center) has re-entered the bicycle commuter pool, so let that be a warning to all cell phone-talking, non attention-paying, make-up applying, contact lense-cleaning, wreckless driving knucklehead troglodytes populating the local roads because if you anger the man above in the day-glo safety vest and ill-fitting cycling bibs, you will bring a wrath upon you of biblical proportions. And yes, he's riding a Storck. And no Kyle, you can't have his front wheel for your fixie delusions of grandeur...


Miss Jumper said...

Oy, where's me fuzzy duds?!

Spankye said...

n i've been looking for those "missing" wheels for the past year and a half. i KNEW he had them!

Papa Wheelie said...

He had the wheels alright, and he had the front one on backwards.

spokejunky said...

Oiy!! Where's that big green POS he used to ride? With wheels like that you need to wear outfits like this.