Frites, the national bird, anthem and currency of BelgiumSpeaking of the Omploop Het Nieuwsblad yet again, Rabobank rider and amateur Deconstructionist philosopher Nick Nuyens had some words of wisdom and dubitabio concerning the Omloop. In a nutshell, there is no point in trying to plan a strategy because the race itself is full of so many irreconcilable components that they eventually negate each other. Pick apart each section of road, each climb, each meter of rain-lacquered cobble and soon the brutal hard reality that the race within a race within a race has completely defragmented into a formless entity that exists outside human, corporeal facilities and understanding which eventually disarms and debilitates even the steeliest, imperturbable of riders. With that being said, The Blog thinks Boonen might squeak this one out.
The coke-addled disco freak is in good form early on (in and out of the discotech) and it appears Quickstep is showing up with a super-strong squad (i.e. the entire team which includes classics thoroughbreds Sylvain Chavanel and Stijn Devolder) instead of the gang of stragglers and itinerant hoboes Team Radioshack has assembled to shepherd Steegmans to a 21st finish or wherever he'll end up. I'm sure after that nugget of trash, Steegmans will solo to a victory but don't count on it! Stick a fork in him, he's done. The Derrida-esque wisdom of Nuyens has already gotten into his head. Turn up the Foreigner because this cat is playin' head games.... with his head!
"Who set this to Head Games?!?!?!"
This year's route straight from the official Omloop Het Nieuwsblad website. Acquaint thyself:Cap'n Scott, official receiving team member and Omloop officianado since the late 1960's. Acquaint thyself with Scott's devil may care attitude and breezy repartee that has served him well on many a galleon and Bayou fanboat. His love of all things nautical and Belgian is known across the seven seas and several estuaries to boot! Favorite cyclist? Albert Sercu of course!
Ahoy mateys! Anybody seen me insulin? Arrrrrrrr!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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Im a boat cap'n
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