The heavens smiled down upon the teeming masses from Hawley today as the temperatures stayed cool and the sun shone with a surface temperature of 5,780 (kelvin) degrees. 92,960,000 miles away from the Sun in the parking lot of local grocer Bi-Lo, the Hawley Company Bike To Work Day/Steve Hawley 50th Birthday Ride got off to a great start with free breakfast munchies and a police escort! In addition to the bagels, several minor celebrities from the local cycling community showed up in a sign of commuting solidarity. Always the belle of the ball, Tim Malson showed up with a suspension fork in a lawn chair bag. That guy is always ahead of the fashion curve! Who needs a Reload bag??? Tim Woolford came all the way from Grand Strand Bicycles to ride with us and score a free breakfast. Anyhoo, other than Andre's pre-ride flat tire and a digital camera with a mind of its own, the morning's festivities and ride went off without a hitch. Much respect to Chuck Creech for having a big hand in organizing this motley crew into a well oiled machine! Here's part one of the employee pics. Every department is represented except for IT, but at least Phil's beloved Checker Pig is pictured. More pics tomorrow...
Riding to the starting location of the ride. Check out that funky blue house. Most unsettling:Marky Mark (shipping hefe) and Def Jeff (shipping). You can't see it but Mark's heart is made of pure rage. Jeff is riding a ridiculously nice Litespeed. Andre (shipping) is growing up in the hood:
GT, meet Checker Pig.... Now fight!
Aaron and Sandy pose next to the first bike Sandy ever welded!
Colin (inside sales) changes Andre's flat, Chris (receiving) contemplates his Starbuck-esque muttonchops while Andy (shipping) goes bananas:
Jeremy (service center) gives the double-handed doom point while Teenwolf (future son-in-law of Cindy) shows off recent amputations:
Derrick (sales) gets dominated on the category one climb:
Dusty (receiving) reps the Oury grips:
Who are you???
Michael Bronson (inside sales) and Rachel (PCC) look suspiciously hip:
El Hefe (Big Boss Man) rides by, all smiles, screaming "Follow me to freedom! Sweet, horrible freeeedomm!!!":
Troy (inside sales) rides with his new adoptive family from the "Adopt An Indecisive, Cajun Adult Male" program:
Tim Woolford, Cindy (accounting-customer service/future Mother-In-Law of Teenwolf) and Matt Church (accounting)
Mary (receiving) rolls into the finish reeking of accomplishment and self-satisfaction:
Jo An (human resources) and hubby Sparky finish with panache! Careful Jo An, that hand gesture in front of a cop will get you 30 days at county!
Our Lexington Police escort:What the heck is up with Colin's rock climbing helmet???
Allll right everybody, gather up for the group shot:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hawley Bike To Work Day; Part 1, Photographic Evidence
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Looks like it was a fun ride. And congratulations on medaling at the Stump Jump!
nice shot of joshie
What up, blast from the past?! Nice photos, it's great to see everyone.
Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
It was nice to own the road for a day.
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