I was thinking about how cool it would be to have shark cages instead of cubicles and office desks. We would submerge the graphics office underwater. At the first sign of an office predator, you could jump into your cage until the danger passed or until you received the "All Clear" email from accounting. Here is an artist's rendering, of the future:Then while thinking about cages, I thought about Jim Snyder and some words he spoke to us yesterday: "Hey, new Zipp cages are in. You gonna eat that?" (he gestured towards a stapler). Unbelievably, limited edition Zipp water bottle cages are in stock in "Vitamin D Deficiency White" and "Inappropriate Burning Man Body Paint Silver". At 21 grams, they're not the lightest cage out there, but they'll do the job for my 1992 Trek 800 with "Go-Bot" stickers on the seat tube for speedness.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Zipp To My Lou: Of Shark Cages and Jim Snyders
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1992 Trek 800 with "Go-Bot" stickers on the seat tube for speednessI demand photos forthwith.
and line breaks. those too.
you know the robot is gonna have a request when it involves "Go-Bot" stickers.
Sharks you would be protected against. But what happens if a pack of ravenous humboldt squid appear? Ten feet long with claws in their tentacles, they can tear a man's arms off at the shoulder. That is after they squirt ink all over your desk. You would be a sittng duck.
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